Meaning “everything is there” or “all you need” in Moluccan language.

Trading, Culinary and SME Promoter


Elevate your culinary creations with Mahkota Spice! We bring you the authentic flavors of Indonesia, perfect for restaurants and shops. From fiery bird’s eye chili to aromatic ginger, our premium spices in 1.2L packaging are your secret ingredients for unforgettable dishes.

Check it out in our brochure:
a. MSpice Brochure ENG version
b. MSpice Brochure IDN version
c. MSpice Brochure NED version


One Day with Indonesian Coffee, Fruits and Floriculture

ODICOFF was organized in Rotterdam on behalf of the Indonesian Embassy in the Hague and the Ministry of Agriculture of Indonesia on November 26, 2021.

The aim of the event was to introduce uniquely Indonesian horticultural products. 11 Letters of Intent were signed between Indonesian producers and Dutch importers.

BINA B.V. hosted an exquisite “Indonesian Fine Dining” event aboard RotterTram, where guests savored the finest Indonesian cuisine while exploring the beauty of Rotterdam. It was an immersive culinary journey, designed to showcase the richness of Indonesian culinary delights.

Attending and delivering speech at the opening of a pepper factory in Bangka island – Indonesia